What are the different types of blister packaging services?

The purpose of blister packaging is to safeguard the product. If the design of the product makes specific components vulnerable or not, such as the arm of the football figures; blister packing is an advanced technology that can protect it in a special way that a bag or box cannot either in normal or in extreme temperatures. Blister packs help keep things clean and sterile, which is why pills are always virtually packaged in them. And each of the blister packaging services offers a different functionality like tamper-proof, heat insulation, offer real-time visibility, freshness, and offer serving control to end-users.

blister packaging types

This article will give you an insight into the types of services present in it so that industrialists both small-scale and large scale will have a better understanding of it.

Types of blister packaging services

1. Face seal type: This is one of the most affordable clear packaging solutions. Small, lightweight objects are frequently packaged in face seal blisters. This is a carded blister packaging type, is mainly for a variety of products, including hand tools, perfumes, games, and toys, to name a few. The chamber of face seal blister packaging is designed to fit a specified product dimension. A little flange emerges from the hollow, and this flange is the section of the blister card that is sealed. To connect the flange to the card and create a sealed compartment that shows and protects the product, a heat seal method is frequently utilised. Furthermore, the card itself contains all of the product's relevant information.

2. Full face seal type: It uses the same method as a face-seal blister, but with a plastic blister that covers the entire package's face. Full face-seal blisters produce a more robust packaging by completely covering the blister card, reducing the risk of damage to the card and enhancing any hanger features. Blister packs with a full face seal work similarly to clamshell packs.

3. Trapped type: It is a more sustainable and high-performing option. Trapped blister packing is a combination of paper and plastic packaging. A thermoform blister is sandwiched between two cards to protect the product. Because of their eco-friendly materials and low plastic content, as well as a secure yet user-friendly design, trapped blisters give the protection and shelf appeal you need for your package without the added cost. Most CPG companies have been effectively showcasing their product lines with trapped blister packaging, which has several advantages over alternative packaging solutions.

4. Slide type: Flanges wrap around three sides of an insert card in this design. The card can be slipped into the blister tray, which secures it. The blister tray's key advantage is that it may be assembled without the use of any sealing equipment. A staple or tape is frequently used to secure it. The blister tray is best for lightweight and flat objects, but design engineers are ready to work with your specifications to create packaging that is functional, appealing, and secure.


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